Welcome to your community

Hello there, I'm DALE What's on your mind?

For some men in heterosexual relationships, the answer to that question gets pretty complicated. It may include questions or feelings of attraction to other guys.  And stigma is probably part of the mix too. I’m here to offer a space for you to get the info you need and to connect with other likeminded guys to tackle stigma and a range of other issues head on. And if times are tough, I can point you in the right direction.

Read more about Dale

Dale says


Hello there, I'm Dale. Is this your first chat?

Buddy82 says


Yea, so what's the deal? What do you guys talk about?

Robert-67 says


Our experiences, challenges, what's worked, what hasn't. Share thoughts & advice

Franklin says


It's simple, and it's with guys who know where you're coming from.

The Dale Live Chat Rooms

I get what you’re saying.

Sometimes it’s a relief to just talk with guys who know where you’re coming from. That’s what these Live Chats are all about – being able to connect in real time to discuss topics that are otherwise tricky to navigate by on your own.




Chat starts in Chat live in

There are no live chat sessions scheduled in the near future. to find out when there's a live chat coming up soon.

Dale Forums

Can’t wait to chat? I hear ya!

That’s what the Forums are for.  Stigma, anxiety, depression – these aren’t easy topics. They require a bit of discussion.  Plus, they have a way of weaving in a whole bunch of other issues. See what the guys are talking about.

Knowledge Base


Live chats are back!

It's been a journey, but we're thrilled to announce that Live Chats are back and better than ever!

Written by Dale

Live chats are back!